About us

We’re immigrants, entrepreneurs, and fellow humans. When the world turned upside down for citizens of Ukraine, we immediately wiped our calendars and went to work helping Ukrainians refugees flee to safety.

We've been on the phone, navigating Ukrainians fleeing to safety by car, train or foot. We've donated thousands of dollars and committed our own homes in Canada, if need be.

However, we understand the crucial need for refugees to have a roof over their heads with common basic necessities for their children to be safe, while trying to resettle in a new country. Some may even start thinking about their kids going back to school. It seems nearly impossible for them today and we need to provide financial assistance beyond what we can do ourselves to make this a reality. We helped these brave families flee to immediate safety but our donations and resources aren't sufficient to help them cross the ocean to settle in Canada.

We're committing a significant portion of our weeks to this for the months to come. We have disengaged from various professional and volunteer commitments for the time being to do everything we can to help these citizens.

We know that these families, devastated by war, will do something positive out of our help, like a future child starting their own business as so many immigrants do, and creating many jobs for others.

Thank you for your support!