Support someone's ticket to a new beginning

With Ukrainian refugees waiting to receive their visas to travel to Canada, many of them do not have the financial ability to cover their flights to Canada.

Your unused frequent flyer miles and credit card points can help support someone’s airfare, and bring them over to Canada.

We work to ensure that flights are provided to those who are legally able to enter Canada, and our team works to support them from the moment they make a landing.

How it works

  • Donate: we can use frequent flyer miles, travel vouchers, or credit card points to cover the cost of a flight

  • Finding a match: we identify Ukrainian a family that has legal approval to travel but cannot afford airfare.

  • Booking: Depending on your type of donation, Ukraine to Canada will either use your gift to book a flight for someone through our team, or we will work with you to book the flight yourself if your rewards programs does not allow our team direct access to your points.